Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

We hope that you are enjoying this Christmas season.

Fable wanted to record a Christmas greeting to post on the blog. The arrangement, content, costume and script are all 100% Fable.

Fable tells the story of Christmas. Enjoy!

Thank you for such a great year!

Allison, Jeff, Fable, Ever, Debbie, Molly, Katie, Hollie & Nick

Comments: 2

Kelly Mayberry (12-23-2007 at 8:14pm):

This is so adorable! Thank you Fable for the wonderful Presentation. You did a great job! I hope that you guys have a wonderful Christmas!

Denise Horn (01-05-2008 at 11:22am):

This is just adorable!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

CHRISTMAS ORDER DEADLINE : Tuesday November 20th

Hello everyone! Christmas is in the air - and I LOVE Christmas!

I want to remind everyone that if you would like to have ARP under your CHRISTMAS TREE then we need your order by TUESDAY November 20th.

Many of you already have Ordering Appointments booked, but if you need to order something from a past Session or add on Christmas cards etc. just send us an email or call us!
If you need info on Christmas card pricing - look under the Christmas: news & deadlines category.


:) A (birthday girl in 2 days)

Comments: 0

Friday, November 09, 2007

The Magical November 8th...

Merry Christmas!!

"I am SO EXCITED Starbucks is switching to their Red Christmas cups today." This was the first thing I heard from Allison yesterday morning.

Starbucks started this tradition a couple of years ago and since then Allison officially marks the first day of the Christmas Season with the changing of the cups at Starbucks. Apparently this is widely regarded unofficial holiday in the coffee drinking circles.


Santa Jeff

Comments: 1

Joe Anonymous (11-12-2007 at 10:52pm):

The frost around the cup is the best part. Whoever touched up that photo deserves a high five. Kudos...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


If you are in a Baby Plan and need to get in before the end of the year, please call and set up a Session.
:) Allison

Comments: 0


There are only 8 SESSIONS left for 2007 and the first available is the week of Novemeber 28th.
As soon as these are taken - we'll start booking for 2008!!!! That just blows my mind!!

Please try to keep your Ordering appointments because we have everyone on a very tight schedule. If you need to move it, then you might not be able to get in by the Ordering deadline of Friday November 16th. You have to order by this date if you want Christmas gifts, and we want everyone to get images of your babies for Christmas!!!

Thank you - thank you - thank you - for making 2007 a success!

Allison :)

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