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March 2009

Friday, March 06, 2009


Join Allison on a quick video tour of our studio, as she highlights all of the renovations under way. Take special note that it is recorded on my newest little friend the Flip MinoHD. 


from Jeff Rodgers on Vimeo.

Comments: 6

christina (03-06-2009 at 11:21pm):

very cool receptionist desk, where did you get it. i cant find a cool one online.

Allison Rodgers (03-06-2009 at 11:42pm):

Hey Christina!

I couldn't find one online either so I hired someone to build it. That works out better sometimes because you get what you really want!!! Thanks for posting!


carrie@urbanbaby (03-07-2009 at 8:41am):

oh my gosh, how cute are all you folks? with your cute-as-heck accents and all. that space is huge, like crazy big. can't wait for next week's video installment ;).

Jeff (03-07-2009 at 9:55am):

Accents? What accents? : )
Are you saying that you can tell that Allison is a Jackson, Mississippi girl?

Melissa Lewis - Off The Wall (03-08-2009 at 11:56pm):

Wow, its already lookin' great! If you need some special faux done, you know who to call:)

Melissa (03-29-2009 at 11:40am):

hey guys!!! thought I would drop by to see what was going in allison's little world!! I am sooo excited for y'all.... the extreme home makeover show, I can't wait to see that! and also your new renovations for your studio...cool cool!!! good luck to you guys!!! ;)

Thursday, March 05, 2009


More from Extreme Makeover Home Edition!!! Getting very excited about the show airing - still waiting to hear an official date. As soon as we know, we'll ANNOUNCE it!!!! 

Here are some more images of us being our goofy selves... 




Comments: 6

Kristen (03-05-2009 at 10:20pm):

i can't wait to see what you created! i love these behind the scene photos. you're sooooo cool!

Jessica Smith (03-06-2009 at 10:03am):

Really looks like y'all had so much fun! I really can't wait to see this episode and see what you guys did! (:

Jennifer (03-09-2009 at 9:11am):

these images are great! you guys always manage to capture those spontaneous moments that distinguish you from the rest! can't wait to see the episode. keep up the fantastic job!

Ging (03-13-2009 at 2:10pm):

I think you can just rename the girls "scarf girls" since in every single pic they are all wearing scarves! :)

Michelle Moore (03-24-2009 at 12:58am):

Wow! Those pictures of Ty are really spectacular. I love the lighting and processing. Something so immediate about them. Very captivating!

Diane - DB Impressions (04-23-2009 at 3:21pm):

Very, very cool that you got to participate in such an incredible show...cannot WAIT to see it! Collette W. sent me this way, and I'm loving your work!

Monday, March 02, 2009


Yesterday we had an very unusual 8" of snow. Since this is probably the only snow we'll get this year — no time was wasted in getting outside. WOW it was cold! A couple quick pics for you.



Comments: 1

Katie Weaver (03-02-2009 at 8:11pm):

seriously A. You are ridiculous. and I saw the tilt shift...so J, you are too! These look awesome:)