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December 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

We hope that you are enjoying this Christmas season.

Fable wanted to record a Christmas greeting to post on the blog. The arrangement, content, costume and script are all 100% Fable.

Fable tells the story of Christmas. Enjoy!

Thank you for such a great year!

Allison, Jeff, Fable, Ever, Debbie, Molly, Katie, Hollie & Nick

Comments: 2

Kelly Mayberry (12-23-2007 at 8:14pm):

This is so adorable! Thank you Fable for the wonderful Presentation. You did a great job! I hope that you guys have a wonderful Christmas!

Denise Horn (01-05-2008 at 11:22am):

This is just adorable!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

And the winner of the iphone is!!!!

The presence of a shiny new iphone turned a friendly Christmas party bowling trip into an epic battle. Friday night Debbie, Hollie, Molly, Katie and Nick squared off to see who would win.


They battled long and hard. Katie and Debbie had some good luck early on but quickly dropped behind. Molly, Hollie and Nick stayed about even for a while longer.

Nick eventually pulled ahead prompting a, "Why did you have to hire a boy?" comment from one of Nicks competitors.

When it was over Nick was the clear winner of the new iphone!


It was not over yet.

Allison and I are very happy to have such wonderful people to work with everyday.


Merry Christmas!

Comments: 3

Sarah (12-19-2007 at 3:57pm):

What an unbelievable Christmas surprise!! Thanks for making work fun and giving Nick the opportunity to work/learn at such a great job.

Lindsay (12-20-2007 at 10:21am):

Allison...can I come work for you?!? ;) That was an amazing gift for your co-workers!

Daniel Ray (01-08-2008 at 1:41pm):

Yall are the best employers I know!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I can not believe it has been 3 weeks since we posted here.

I am sorry about that. We will do much better in the future. As most of you know, our time has been spent getting all of your Christmas orders out to you. This has been a great year and we are very appreciative of all of you.


This weekend the ARP family is going bowling.
The hook is that I told everyone that whoever gets the highest score bowling wins an iphone!!

You should see the true cut throat nature of everyone coming out. I succeeded in turning a friendly Christmas party into a contest of Champions. Even our sweet Deb Deb has been plotting ways to throw off Nicks game by employing all sorts of psychological warfare.



GEEK MOMENT: I have been playing Call of Duty 4 the last couple of weeks. It is simply amazing. It is actually more fun than Halo 3 and that is saying alot. I have not played the new Halo 3 maps that came out this week but I am sure that wont hedge out Call of Duty 4 as my favorite game of the year.
If there are any XBOX live users here my gamertag is POPPADEATH. Look me up the next time you're online.

Comments: 1

Holly (12-24-2007 at 5:17pm):

thank you Fable for sharing the most important story for our holiday season. I especially loved the wardrobe change from one story telling cape to another- you are very articulate (can tell a story very well) and I appreciate you bringing a smile to my face today. iphones all around!! Happy Christmas from Mrs.Holly to your family at work and at home-- tell your beautiful Mommy I liked her article in the Desoto snap magazine too!